CashGopher LeaderBoard

Monday, September 20, 2010

The ridiculous financial system we have today

I don't know about the rest of the world, but here int he USA our economy is not just out of balance, it's completely off the rails. Everywhere i go i see ads from lawyers telling you to sue over petty things, advertisement for companies that build student credit for students attending university online, and advertisements of timeshares and home financing, reverse mortgages, and financial derivatives.

The fact is, money was made to keep track of contributions to society, not to keep track of money, and so long as we waste money on credit building and stuent credit cards for students who probably cant pay what they will charge, nothing is going to change



  1. Well, people trying to "help" other people get and manage money turned into its own industry, and now you have people trying to make money off of you by claiming that they can help you avoid getting ripped off by other people that claim they are helping you manage your money better. It's fucked up

  2. "Well, people trying to "help" other people get and manage money turned into its own industry, and now you have people trying to make money off of you by claiming that they can help you avoid getting ripped off by other people that claim they are helping you manage your money better. It's fucked up "
    yeah its crazy, especially since dollars printed [or coins minted] were supposed to represent a gold bar's worth of work. when you simply trade money for a living, you are living by literally reusing other people's work hours, which means more and more "work" is being tied up in the financial management industry instead of reaching it's end destination and improving prosperity
